Recipe no. 17. Salmon wraps


Recipe no. 17. Salmon wraps

A new recipe EVERY DAY.

We can “cook” raw fish in lemon or lime juice. In my opinion, the fish prepared this way is much tastier than cooked fish.

These recipes are all Seignalet (pronounce it “Saynyalay”) diet legal. Dr. Seignalet put 91 chronic, so called incurable, diseases into remission with his “ancestral” diet.

“Sunthi Churna” (organic ginger powder and raw honey) for pain relief and inflammation


“Sunthi Churna” (organic ginger powder and raw honey) for pain relief and inflammation

Organic ginger powder and raw honey.

If you have pain and inflammation eat some Ayurvedic Sunthi Churna instead of pain killers. Not only is it as (more?) effective than pain killers, unlike analgesics, also known as Non Steroidal Anti-Inflammatories (NSAID’s) it will heal the damage done by them to the lining of your digestive tract. In some cases they will even have a healing effect.

Upset stomach? Diaorrhea? Have some ginger powder mixed with honey.

Ginger is. also anti-viral (Indians were using it as a prophylactic against Covid).

Ginger protects the heart and the liver too.  It’s anti-biotic.

It tastes great!

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