Recover Vibrant Health

Recover Vibrant Health

Survive the jab protocol

This protocol will also reverse any existing pre-conditions, Mulitple sclerosis included. It will also reverse “long covid”. Long covid is really the damage caused by inappropriate treatment in intensive care units (ICU’s) in my opinion as a health nut.

I recommend setting aside at least a day to study the protocol.  I’ve listed the equipment and supplements you will need with links to buy them on amazon  at the bottom of the page.

Do not use the protocol if you have had your gall bladdder removed as we need to stimulate bile to clean the toxins from your liver. Consult a naturopathic physician instead.

Caution: rapid detox could lead to detox reactions.
The protocol will lead to a rapid detox.  As the junk in your cells and spaces between cells is pushed into the blood stream,  your liver and kidneys may struggle to process it and this could lead to detox reactions: headache, nausea etc.

The black radish (India: black Spanish round radish, black mooli) in the juice is designed to stimulate bile which will flush out your liver and prevent detox reactions.  So don’t do the protocol without first locating a source of black radish. In the UK it can be obtained online from Real Foods You could also use the Gerson coffee enema. Your gall bladder needs to be working properly.   I suggest therefore, before starting with the full protocol,   use the high dose vitamin c only for a week or two –

….Ascorbic acid, which affects the catabolism of cholesterol to bile acids and, in turn, the development of gallbladder disease in experimental animals, may reduce the risk of clinical gallbladder disease in humans….

Serum ascorbic acid and other correlates of gallbladder disease among US adults. Simon and Hudes 1998

– while supplementing with a teaspoonful of taurine (amino) powder in some water in the morning and afternoon. Grate some black radish and have it with your meals. This should get your gall bladder working correctly.  You can then do the full protocol. (Note: you could also use the Gerson coffee enema which requires a lot more commitment).

Note:  NAC (N-acetyl cysteine) is also a powerful detoxifier. It’s converted to glutathione which detoxifies the liver.  Supplementing with glutathione doesn’t work because it’s broken down into constituent aminos in the intestine and so does not reach the blood circulation.  Liposomal glutathione is available and is absorbed..  The fatty liposomes are not broken down in the intestine but are taken into your cells by the lymph system.  Do not take more than a quarter of a teaspoonful of NAC at a time.  More than this can give you a loose bowel.

22 years ago, Novi induced cancer in the livers of rats and cured the cancer by high dose intubation of glutathione.

In those whose gallbladder has been removed,  can NAC or liposomal glutathione replace black radish or coffee enema  in order to follow this protocol?  I don’t know is the short answer.  Consult a naturopath.

You must cook from scratch and eat mainly raw.  I upload a new raw recipe to all the video channels daily.  Do not eat in restaurants.  Eliminating all milks and dairy from the diet (see Seignalet diet) is recommended. (There is plenty of calcium in perfect balance with magnesium in green leafy vegetables). Do not eat any convenience or processed foods. Stop drinking soda cold turkey.  Drink bottled or filtered water.  Tea and coffee in moderation are ok.

I have not covered these things which may also be affecting your health: root canal treated teeth, teeth extractions, dead teeth, amalgam fillings, parasitic infection, Tick borne diseases, candida.  They are covered in my blog articles on

Content is copyright and right click protected.  If you wish to quote part of the content with a link to it,  email Chris your request to

The day’s routine

1. Nattokinase to dissolve the clots
2. Stimulate Autophagy to clean out your cells
3. Repair the jab’s damage to the endothelium – (lining of blood vessels)
4. Aminos in our juice/amino formula will heal the gut and heal and protect the heart and the brain
5. A pint of freshly made vegetable juice/honey/aminos = hypernutrition
6. Ginger and DL-phenylanine (amino) ONLY for pain and inflammation.
7. Repair the immune system damage
8. Correct oils and fats for super healthy cells and brain
9. Cabbage leaf wrap to relieve and cure neuropathy and GBS and most everything else
10. NAC (N-Acety L-Cysteine) amino powder
for liver detox and super healing

You must change your eating habits

Equipement needed


Aminos in our juice formula

Over 50?

Shopping lists

The day’s routine

1. Nattokinase to dissolve the clots

micro clots and microembolisms as a matter of urgency to prevent further damage. Supplementing with over the counter nattokinase will achieve this. Dosage and contra-indications.  We will also crush and juice half a bulb of garlic with our juice/amino formula. It, also, prevents blood cell clumping and clotting. Nitrate in beetroot in the juice/amino formula is converted to nitric oxide which increases blood flow, dilates blood vessels and lowers blood pressure.

2. Stimulate Autophagy to clean out your cells

Autophagy is the cell’s self-cleaning, garbage disposal and recycling mechanism. We will use 4 tools to stimulate it:

…Autophagy is a highly conserved eukaryotic cellular recycling process. Through the degradation of cytoplasmic organelles, proteins, and macromolecules, and the recycling of the breakdown products, autophagy plays important roles in cell survival and maintenance. Accordingly, dysfunction of this process contributes to the pathologies of many human diseases (Chris’s emphasis)….

…In mammalian cells, there are three primary types of autophagy: microautophagy, macroautophagy, and chaperone-mediated autophagy (CMA). While each is morphologically distinct, all three culminate in the delivery of cargo to the lysosome for degradation and recycling…

An Overview of Autophagy: Morphology, Mechanism, and Regulation Parzych and Klionsky 2014.

..Autophagy is an intracellular bulk degradation process, induced under nutrient starvation. Failure of autophagy has been recognized as a contributor to aging and multiple age related neurodegenerative diseases. Improving autophagy is a beneficial anti-aging strategy, however very few physiological regulators have been identified. Here, we demonstrate that vitamin C is a nutritional stimulator of autophagy.(Chris’s emphasis) Supplementation of fresh hepatocytes with vitamin C increased autophagic proteolysis significantly in the presence of amino acids in a dose- and time-dependent manner, although no effect was observed in the absence of amino acids…

Vitamin d stimulates autophagy. 10,000 I.u.s of vitamin c per day to achieve a highly sufficient serum level of around 100 ng/ml. Get regular finger prick tests that you can order on line to keep it at this level. Get a test straight away to see what your level is.  If it’s less than 20 ng/ml (deficient), start with the vitamin d “hammer” of 60,000 iu per day for 3 days running because it takes time for vitamin d to build up in the body’s fat stores. Quit milk and dairy (Seignalet diet) and  drink plenty of water and supplement with magnesium to avoid hypercalcemia.

Terrible harm caused by Steroids. See here. Steroids knock out the vitamin d receptors in your cells. They have no therapeutic value . Steroids will keep you dependent on increasing doses and worsen your condition. Therefore you need to taper down and off the steroids. Use the full protocol to do this. Use frequent doses of ginger, either as juice (see further on) or powder mixed with honey (“Sunthi Churna”) to fight the pain and inflammation as you come off the steroids. The amino dl – phenylalanine may also work. 1.5 mg in the morning and 1.5 mg in the evening.  See 6.  further on.

Do not take pain killers, either prescribed, or over the counter as self medication. A serum level of 100 ng/ml (250 nmol/L) vitamin d will prevent inflammation. Get regular tests. Ginger has no known adverse effects and has myriad other health benefits including avoidance of heart disease and cancer. Use the cabbage leaf wrap. If the pain is still too intense, learn how to do the Gerson coffee enema. I promise that if you follow the protocol the pain and inflammation will go away.  See more details in 6. underneath.
Vitamin c stimulates autophagy.

..Here, we demonstrate that vitamin C is a nutritional stimulator of autophagy….

Effect and proposed mechanism of vitamin C modulating amino acid regulation of autophagic proteolysis. Russell and MCcarty 2000

See how to take high dose vitamin c here.  (Scroll down to last section)

Black seed oil stimulates autophagy. Among many other therapeutic effects.  (See 8. (j) underneath)

The Seignalet Diet to heal the gut stimulates autophagy. When your gut heals, the flow of undigested molecules and bacterial peptides through the gut lining and into the blood stream and then into your tissues is halted and the immune system will then function optimally and as nature intended. Autophagy is switched on.

.Effect and proposed mechanism of vitamin C modulating amino acid regulation of autophagic proteolysis. Karim & Kadowaki 2017

3. Repair the jab’s damage to the endothelium – (lining of blood vessels)

High dose oral vitamin c will achieve this. Go here . and scroll down to study 5.

4.  Aminos in our juice/amino formula will heal the gut and also protect the heart

(See also 5, underneath).  In times of ill health and stress, glutamine and arginine reserves are used up and these normally non essential aminos become essential. Their depletion will cause “leaky gut” (intestinal permeability). Leaky gut is the cause (see Seignalet), together with vitamin d deficiency, of every chronic, so called “incurable” disease.

L. carnitine and taurine will strengthen the brain and heart and taurine will help restore proper functioning of the gall bladder and bile salts as will high dose vitamin c.

Black radish in the juice will stimulate bile to flood the liver and eliminate toxins. One of the main jab injuries is myocarditis. In different, separate studies on rats and mice, supplementation with glutamine, arginine, glycine and taurine were all found to have a protective effect and were very effective rescue agents after a heart attack. These aminos are part of the juice/amino formula.

5. A pint of freshly made vegetable juice/honey/aminos = hypernutrition

Taken first thing in the morning, see also 4, above, juice with aminos, will flood the body with dozens of health giving nutrients, oxygenating enzymes and trace elements including large amounts of potassium to redress the sodium/potassium imbalance caused by our addiction to salt, and magnesium and calcium in perfect balance to redress the magnesium/calcium imbalance caused by our addiction to milk and dairy.

Juicing is like directly injecting into our body a huge amount of produce that we could never eat and digest in one go. The juice is digested in 20 minutes. As Dr. Norman Walker, the inventor of juicing famously said: “There is nothing in freshly made vegetable or fruit juice that our body cannot use”.

Beta carotene in beetroot, carrots and spinach will be converted to our optimum level of vitamin a (retinol) by the black radish stimulating bile.

Ginger in the juice fights inflammation, particularly in the heart. Beetroot stimulates nitric oxide which dilates blood vessels and increases blood flow.

We will crush and juice 3 cloves of garlic. (Prevents platelet clumping and clotting among myriad other benefits.) When garlic is crushed, the enzyme alliinase converts alliin in the garlic into allicin. Allicin is the main therapeutic constituent. So leave the crushed garlic for 10 minutes before using in the recipe for the allicin to develop. (More than 3 cloves may cause a loose bowel.)

“..Beetroot (Beet – US) is a remarkable vegetable, as its rich nitrate and bioactive compound contents ameliorate cardiovascular and metabolic functions by boosting nitric oxide synthesis and regulating gene expressions or modulating proteins and enzyme activities involved in these cellular processes. Dietary nitrate provides a physiological substrate for nitric oxide production, which promotes vasodilatation, increases blood flow and lowers blood pressure…” (Chris’s emphasis)

A Narrative Review on Dietary Strategies to Provide Nitric Oxide as a Non-Drug Cardiovascular Disease Therapy: Beetroot Formulations—A Smart Nutritional Intervention    Baiao et al 2021

Beneficial effects of garlic: lowers blood pressure, prevents clogged arteries, reduces cholesterol and fats, prevents blood cell clumping and blood clotting, anti-cancer, anti-diabetic, liver protective, kills nasty bacteria (spares good bacteria), anti-viral, kills parasites. No known adverse effects. (“GRAS”). It helps reverse neurogedenerative diseases.

“…It is concluded that garlic inhibits platelet aggregation (clotting) by multiple mechanisms and may have a role in preventing cardiovascular disease….”

Effects of garlic on platelet biochemistry and physiology Rahma 2007

… From a dietary approach, garlic has the potential role in the prevention and treatment of atherosclerosis and myocardial infarction…

Potential Health Benefit of Garlic Based on Human Intervention Studies: A Brief Overview  Ansary et al 2020

“Garlic is the theriac of rustics” Galen – 2nd century AD

(Theriac was a luxury multi herbal formulation believed to prevent and cure all ills and taken by those who could afford it right up to the 19th century)

6. Ginger and DL-phenylanine (amino) ONLY for pain and inflammation

Reduction of pain and inflammation and protection of the heart using ginger as an analgesic and anti-inflammatory.  See my collection of studies proving that ginger is far superior to Non Steroidal Anti-Inflammatories.  It has no adverse effects, just dozens of beneficial effects.  It’s hard to find some therapeutic effect that ginger doesn’t cause.

You may also want to try the amino acid D-phenylalanine. 1.5 grams in the morning and at night. May enhance mood. May relieve depression in some people.  Excessive ingestion may cause migraines. People with metabolic disease PKU (you will know if you have it) should avoid all forms of phenylalanine. Can cause hypertension when taken with monoamine oxidase inhibitors. (The Healing Nutrients Within p. 33) Pain and inflammation should quickly subside with continued use of the protocol.

…D-phenylalanine, is also anti-inflammatory. D-phenylalanine has proven to be beneficial in many human patients with chronic, intractable pain….

D-phenylalanine and other enkephalinase inhibitors as pharmacological agents: implications for some important therapeutic applications

Ehrenpreis 1982. See also chapter 2 of The Healting Nutrients Within

7. Repair the immune system damage

Studies show that the mRNA vaccines damage the immune system. Each successive jab does more cumulative damage. Vitamin d, vitamin c, juicing and the Seignalet diet will repair the immune system. Watercress repairs immune cells. We will add it to the juice for one month.

8. Correct oils and fats for super healthy cells and brain

Cell wall membranes and the internal compartment membranes of cells are made from fats (Posh medical term: “lipids”). It’s important for health that the fats we ingest are the ones that humans evolved to eat. So for instance, we did not evolve to eat meat from cows fed on grains, resulting in high levels of omega 6 oils in the meat, we evolved to eat meat from cows fed on grass with high levels of omega 3 from the grass, in the meat. All year round pasture fed meat is available but expensive. Usually available only to buy online. Organic does not mean all year round pasture fed.

Fresh, cold pressed (“virgin”) oils are anti-inflammatory. When exposed to air they become rancid and pro-inflammatory. .It’s important therefore to use a vacuum wine stopper and pump to extract the air from the bottle and to keep it in the fridge. (Extra virgin olive oil does not go in the fridge because it turns to gel at low temperatures.) Wet a paper towel with vinegar and wipe the stopper and  inside the neck of the bottle to remove any oil so the stopper stays put.

Polyunsatured omega 3 docosahexaenoic acid (DHA) available from fish oils can in theory be synthesized by our bodies, for example using alpha linoleic acid from flax seed oil but some people have a genetic polymorphism which prevents this synthesis.

…DHA comprises 40% of the polyunsaturated fatty acids (PUFAs) in the brain and 60% of the PUFAs in the retina. Fifty percent of a neuronal plasma membrane is composed of DHA… Wikipedia

DHA deficiency is implicated in neurogenerative disorders (Depression, Alzheimer’s, Parkinson’s, Dementia etc.) Therefore it is essential to take a spoonful of fish oil or cod liver oil every day!

Omega 3 supplementation improves endothelial (lining of the blood vessels) function and lowers resting blood pressure. It prevents arrythmia and decreases heart rate.

Chris’s recommendation:
1/2 tablespoonfull of black seed oil, 1/2  tablespoonfull of flax seed oil and 1/2 tablespoonfull of cod liver oil. Grate a carrot, season with Thai fish sauce and combine with the oil. Have this either as a side dish with your main meals or have it as a mid morning or mid afternoon snack. As a bonus, the oil will stimulate your gall bladder to produce bile which will transform the beta carotene in the carrot to retinol (vitamin a). You need adequate levels of vitamin a for the vitamin d receptors in your cells to function correctly and make use of your vitamin d. You could also use this combination of oils using 1 tablespoonful of each as a salad dressing with lemon juice. Or you can add it to the juice/aminos if you ever run out of black radish. (But best not to use it in the juice regularly because fats cause clumping of blood platelets and it’s preferable to not interfere with the oxygenating effect of the enzymes in the juice.)

….modern agriculture led to enormous production of vegetable oils high in omega 6 fatty acids, and changed animal feeds from grass to grains, thus increasing the amount of omega-6 fatty acids at the level of Linoleic Acid (LA) (from oils) and arachidonic acid (AA) (from meat, eggs, dairy). This led to very high amounts of omega-6 fatty acids in the food supply for the first time in the history of human beings. Traditionally, animals grazed. Grass contains ALA (omega 3), whereas grains, corn and soya (which are now fed to animals) are high in LA (omega-6). This imbalance in the amount of omega-6 and omega-3 fatty acids is a new phenomenon that was never a part of human evolution. Human beings evolved on a diet that had equal amounts of omega-6 and omega-3 fatty acids. This balanced ratio of omega-6 to omega-3 is critical to human development during pregnancy and lactation, in the prevention of chronic diseases and in their management (Chris’s emphasis) ….

The importance of a balanced omega-6 to omega-3 ratio in the prevention and management of obesity

Simopoulos and DiNicolantonio 2016

j) Black seed oil. (also known as Black cumin oil or Nigella seed oil)

Nigella seed:  Around 50 to 70% polyunsaturated omega 6 linoleic acid – Around 30-40%   saturated fatty acid as palmitic oil. (Note that the main therapeutic component is the thymoquinone contained in the oil.  We will balance the omega 6 black seed oil with omega 3 flax seed oil and omega 3 cod liver oil.)

Black seed oil is a cure-all and has been used as such for centuries, particularly in Muslim countries because the prophet Mohammed said that “the black seed can cure everything except death”. The main active constituent is thought to be Thymoquinone but there are dozens (hundreds?) of other constituents with therapeutic properties.

…The several pharmacological properties of N. sativa and TQ have been found, for example; anti-tumour, anti-microbial, anti-histaminic, immuno-modulatory,  anti-inflammatory, and anti-oxidant effects….

A Review on Possible Therapeutic Effect of Nigella sativa and Thymoquinone in Neurodegenerative Diseases  Samarghandian et al 2018

…Thymoquinone has anti-oxidant, anti-inflammatory and anti-neoplastic actions with selective cytotoxicity for human cancer cells compared to normal cells….

Thymoquinone inhibits autophagy and induces cathepsin-mediated, caspase-independent cell death in glioblastoma cells Racoma et al 2013

One of the most interesting properties of black seed oil for our protocol is the switching on of autophagy, the cell’s self- cleaning garbage disposal mechanism in normal cells and the switching off of autophagy in cancer cells.

Black seed oil protects against heart attack. Rats fed Thymoquinone prior to being injected with a heart attack inducing chemical survived. The control group didn’t!

…First, this study is the first reported research work showing that Thymoquinone (TQ) treatment could increase the myocardial reduced glutathione baseline level, adding an indirect antioxidant effect to its known direct free radical scavenging effect. Second, pretreatment with TQ significantly reduced the markers of myocardial oxidative stress, inflammation, fibrosis, and apoptosis. Third, Thymoquinone acted as an autophagy enhancer ameliorating myocardial cell damage and dysfunction (Chris’s emphasis)….

Thymoquinone dose-dependently attenuates myocardial injury induced by isoproterenol in rats via integrated modulations of oxidative stress, inflammation, apoptosis, autophagy, and fibrosis

Farag 2021

k) Flax seed oil

…α-Linolenic acid (ALA), a carboxylic highly polyunsaturated omega 3 fatty acid with 18 carbons and three cis double bonds, is an essential fatty acid needed for human health (Chris’s emphasis) and can be acquired via regular dietary intake of foods that contain ALA or dietary supplementation of foods high in ALA, for example flaxseed. ALA has been reported to have cardiovascular-protective, anti-cancer, neuro-protective, anti-osteoporotic, anti-inflammatory, and antioxidative effects. (Chris’s emphasis) ALA is the precursor of longer chain omega-3 fatty acids, eicosapentaenoic acid (EPA) and docosahexaenoic acid (DHA)…

α-Linolenic acid: nutraceutical, pharmacological and toxicological evaluation Kim et al 2014

Chris’s note: Flax seed oil when exposed to air quickly goes rancid. Rancid oils are pro-inflammatory. Therefore it’s important to keep it fresh by using a vacuu wine stopper and pump to extract the air from the bottle and to keep it in the fridge. Wet a paper towel with malt vinegar and wipe the oil from the inside neck of the bottle and the stopper to make sure the stopper stays put.

Essential oil means that a) it’s necessary for health and b) the body cannot synthesise it and must get it from the diet.

l) Cod liver oil

.Polyunsaturated omega 3 Eicosapentaenoic acid (EPA) and polyunsatured omega 3 docosahexaenoic acid (DHA) are readily available from fish and algae oil and play a vital role in many metabolic processes….


……..These can also be synthesized by humans from dietary α-linolenic acid (ALA) : ….. but with an efficiency of only a few percent. Because the efficacy of n−3 long-chain polyunsaturated fatty acid (LC-PUFA) synthesis decreases down the cascade of α-linolenic acid conversion, DHA synthesis from α-linolenic acid is even more restricted than that of EPA….


m) Extra virgin olive oil

Around 80% of- omega-9 oleic fatty acid,  including omega 6  linoleic acid (up to 20%) and saturated fatty acid – palmitic acid (up to 20%).

…As documented by numerous studies published over the past decades, most of the beneficial effects of the Mediterranean diet on human health promotion can be ascribed to extra virgin olive oil. In fact, consumption of olive oil is able to reduce lipid and DNA oxidation, ameliorate lipid profile and insulin-resistance, endothelial dysfunction, inflammation, and to lower blood pressure in hypertensive patients. These effects protect from both cardiovascular disease and metabolic disorders (Chris’s emphasis)

Extra Virgin Olive Oil: Lesson from Nutrigenomics De Santis et al 2019

9. Cabbage leaf wrap to relieve and cure neuropathy and GBS and most everything else

I want you to suspend your disbelief while I explain this.

In the 1850’s Dr. Anselme Blanc who worked at the hospice at Romans in the Isere in the south east of France discovered by accident that a cabbage leaf wrap had miraculous properties. He cured or put just about everything into remission with it. Including 3 cases of gangrene. Cured in a few days by cabbage leaf wrap. How many millions of people have suffered amputations because of gangrene since the 1850’s?  How does it work?  It’s still a mystery. I will give you 3 examples of cabbage leaf’s miraculous powers known to modern medicine to prove to you that there is something there.

i) Cabbage leaf wrap reverses the pain of breast engorgement preventing breast feeding in lactating mothers postpartum.

…Overall results showed that cabbage leaf treatment used on women with breast engorgement did reduce pain, the hardness of the engorged breasts and increased the duration of breast feeding….

The effectiveness of cabbage leaf application (treatment) on pain and hardness in breast engorgement and its effect on the duration of breastfeeding. Boi et al 2012

ii) Cabbage leaf application unsurpassed for relieving the pain of osteoarthitic knee. No drug comes close!

…This study clinically demonstrated that cabbage leaf application and cooling gel pad application showed similar improvements in reducing OA symptoms in terms of the overall NRS score and Oxford Knee Score. Their therapeutic effectiveness was better than that of diclofenac gel

Efficacy of Cabbage Leaf versus Cooling Gel Pad or Diclofenac Gel for Patients with Knee Osteoarthritis: A Randomized Open-Labeled Controlled Clinical Trial. Chobpenthai et al 2022

iii) Cabbage juice cures stomach ulcer in 10 days or less!

…The average crater healing time for seven of these patients who had duodenal ulcer was only 10.4 days, while the average time as reported in the literature, in 62 patients treated by standard therapy, was 37 days. The average crater healing time for six patients with gastric ulcer treated with cabbage juice was only 7.3 days, compared with 42 days, as reported in the literature, for six patients treated by standard therapy….

Rapid healing of peptic ulcers in patients receiving fresh cabbage juice    Cheney 1949

The owner of the business next to mine had his arm injured by the jab. For some months the arm had been cold and painful when he woke up. Movement was restricted. I applied a cabbage leaf wrap using tubular bandages in the evening around 5 pm and he kept it on overnight. The next morning he had 60% improvement. After 3 more self-administered wraps he had a 100% cure! I’ve embedded the video we shot of this treatment at the bottom of the page. Apologies for the background  noise and poor sound quality.  Note that he insisted that I blur his face in the video because he did not want to be ridiculed.

I’m quite certain that the cabbage leaf wrap will work for peripheral neuropathy and Guillan Barre Syndrome. (GBS) You have nothing to lose by trying it. It will also heal psoriasis and eczema but won’t put them into permanent remission until you change your diet.   If you are afraid of being ridiculed by other family members, lock yourself in the bathroom to try it and then put on your pyjamas to cover the wrap. For GBS of course you will need the help of other family members to put on the wrap. For GBS get other family members or friends to wrap your entire body. I’m going to make a video showing how to do this so subscribe to my rumble channel to be notified. You should notice an overnight improvement in symptoms but if you don’t, give it 3 more days. Please use your story updates to alert people when you find that it does work.

Here is my loose translation of Dr. Blanc’s book with some commentary.

“Notice on the medicinal properties of cabbage leaf”

I would advise anyone who has been jabbed to apply a wrap around their upper body to cover the heart.  Keep it on day and night.  If you have kidney damage or pain, wrap the lower abdomen to cover the kidneys.  If you have pain in your ovaries – cabbage leaf wrap. Keep it on under your clothes by day and apply a fresh wrap before going to bed.   If you have a really severe jab injury,  do a wrap from head to toe.  After 3 nights with the wrap you may find that you are at least 50% healed.

I will be making a video where I apply the cabbage leaf wrap to various parts of my body as an illustration of how to do it. Subscribe to my rumble channel to get the notification.

10. NAC (N-Acety L-Cysteine) amino powder
for liver detox and super healing

Caution: Should be avoided by the rare people who have high plasma cysteine.  Cysteine levels may  be elevated due to a genetic defect (“polymorphism”)  in cysteine dioxygenase (CDO). CDO is the  enzyme  that transforms cysteine to taurine or glutathione.  Taurine is included in our juice/amino formulation.  If you do have high cysteine, you will have trouble with “sulfur” foods like eggs, dairy products, garlic and cruciferous vegetables like cabbage, brussel sprouts etc. and your urine may often smell of coffee or asparagus.

For those with a CDO defect you could raise your glutathione levels by taking liposomal glutathione instead.  I recommend the Altrient brand for liposomal.  Take one sachet in water mid morning and one mid afternoon.  Empty the sachet into  half an inch of water and swallow it straight down without stirring.

If you are a  vegan you are  also likely to be taurine deficient. This also means your gall bladder is not making bile properly. Fats cannot be digested properly and you are likely to be vitamin a deficient. Taurine is in our juice/amino formulation.

Start slowly with the NAC therefore, half a teaspoonful in some water and just check that it’s making you feel better, not worse.

The Healing Nutrients Within  p. 107

…Cysteine is active in many different situations in the body because of the special properties of its thiol grouping at the end of each cystine molecule. Thiol compounds not only help prevent oxidation of sensitive tissues, which can cause ageing and cancer, by sacrificing themselves for oxidation first, but they also help the body process and render harmless, toxic chemicals and carcinogens. It is what makes cysteine, and its well known star derivatives N-acetyl-cysteine and glutathione, extremely powerful compounds…

NAC raises glutathione levels. (Supplementing with glutathione itself is pointless because it’s just digested and doesn’t reach the blood stream). NAC is another “cure-all” that is used for all kinds of diseases and particularly for detoxifying the liver. It may help prevent or treat myocarditis, the headline jab injury. It prevents fusion of the covid-19 spike protein with the cell membrane. It’s a powerful detoxifier of the liver. It may help alleviate many jab induced injuries.

…Treatment with NAC ameliorated myocardial injury via Nitric oxide system in a rat model of myocarditis…

N-Acetylcysteine Ameliorates Experimental Autoimmune Myocarditis in Rats via Nitric Oxide. Shimada et al 2015

…coronavirus 2 spike protein binds to the cellular receptor angiotensin converting enzyme-2 (ACE2) via its receptor-binding domain (RBD)…    …..We observed that NAC and GSH inhibited the binding between RBD and ACE2 in a dose-dependent manner…”

The function of SARS-CoV-2 spike protein is impaired by disulfide-bond disruption with mutation at cysteine-488 and by thiol-reactive N-acetyl-cysteine and glutathione. Murae et al 2022 (In vitro study)

NAC raises glutathione levels. Aspirin in large doses reduces glutathione levels in the liver. Note that during the 1918 Spanish flu, Bayer’s aspirin patent had just expired and the US Surgeon General of the time advocated mega doses of aspirin as a prophylactic. Many of the 50 to 120 million (according to who you believe) victims of the Spanish Flu, therefore, died of aspirin poisoning. It would be interesting to know what percentage of the victims actually died from aspirin toxicity.

..Many drugs and poisons are detoxified through conjugation with Glutathione (e.g. paracetamol, among others) and additional Glutathione, provided by administering NAC, has been shown to be effective in intoxication by such drugs and poisons…

N-acetylcysteine – passe-partout or much ado about nothing?.  Aitio 2005

I note from reading the stories on that many severely jab injured people who cannot afford medical care are taking large doses of aspirin to fight pain. This is a disaster! These people are putting themselves in mortal danger. They must quit taking the aspirin, take NAC to reverse the damage and use non toxic ginger and dl-phenylanaline and black radish or coffee enema instead.  See number 6. above. Ginger is actually good for the liver. They should take up to 6 grams of NAC per day. for a month (but see my “caution” above).  I suggest 2 grams in water (2 grams is about 2/3 of a teaspoonful) in the morning, 2 in the afternoon and 2 in the evening before going to bed. I’m not going out on a limb here, NAC is the hospital treatment for aspirin poisoning. Hospital treatment for overdose of Tylenol is up to   “..10 g of NAC over 4 hours, followed by 5 g of NAC every 4 hours…”     The Healing Nutrients Within  page 125.


At the bottom of the page I will give,,, and amazon.aus links for all the items needed.  Amazon links for other countries will be added when I get round to getting the site translated.

You must change your eating habits

Apart from the juice/amino formulation in the morning which takes about an hour, and apart from making a complete change to your eating habits the protocol is easy to follow and will not impinge on your normal schedule. If you eat lunch at work, buy a bento box and in the evening, at home, prepare a salad for the next day. You will also need to be very disciplined with taking multiple small doses of vitamin c (powder in water) throughout the day. Every half hour or hour.

You will need to make a lot of changes to how you eat and you will need to take some supplements.

We are going to use my supercharged version of the Seignalet (pronounce it “Saynyalay) diet. with an amino/juice formulation for breakfast to quickly heal any loose “tight junctions” between the enterocytes in your intestines. It’s important to use some black radish in the juice because it will stimulate the gall bladder to produce bile, flood your liver and clean out any toxins (as well as transforming the beta carotene in the carrots and beetroot to vitamin a.) This will also relieve pain and inflammation. You could also use the famous Gerson therapy coffee enema (look it up), especially if you are in a lot of pain, but I think that black radish in the juice will produce the needed detox effects.

Here is the classic Seignalet diet: Make sure that you follow this to the letter. I am uploading a different, raw Seignalet recipe every day to all the video channels.

Salt: To cut down on salt and get your sodium/potassium ratio in a healthier balance, use Thai or Vietnamese fish sauce instead of salt for seasoning. It’s made from anchovies fermented in salt and is very savoury. It’s important to supplement with some Lugol’s Iodine at the same time because commercial table salt has by law been fortified with iodine for the past 100 years. The thyroid is the master gland. It’s your body’s thermostat and it needs trace amounts of iodine to function. Soils are iodine depleted. No iodine in the soil, no iodine in plants, no iodine in humans. To make the situation worse, bromine, a halogen very similar to iodine is used as a flour conditioner and the bromine blocks the iodine receptors in your cells. Read “The iodine crisis” by Lynne Farrow.

Buy organic: I am uploading a different Seignalet (pronounce it “Saynyalay”) diet legal recipe video every day to all the video channels. They are all delicious! Most take about half an hour to make. They are mostly raw salads so you can make one at night and put in it in a bento box in the fridge ready to take to work for your lunch next day if you are still working. Make the effort to find organic food, particularly if you live in the US where a lot of fruit and vegetables are now routinely irradiated, not to mention contaminated with glyphosate. Find your nearest organic store or order online. Learn how to make lentils, mung beans, quinoa etc sprouts and use them to replace bread,)

Fish: Buy wild caught fish not farmed fish. Salmon from certified caught in Arctic waters is ideal but hard to find. Expect to pay a premium. Frozen fish is usually “frozen on board” (FOB), which means it was blast frozen at minus 60 degrees C (-76 F) soon after being caught so will actually be fresher than unfrozen fish from your fishmonger (and who knows if it wasn’t thawed from frozen anyway?)

We are going to be eating fish raw as ceviche. The acid in the lime or lemon juice or vinegar marinade “cooks” the fish and makes it very palatable. Trust me.

Meat: Buy organic meat. Certified all year round grass fed is best. (Organic meat is not necessarily all year round grass fed). It’s much more expensive of course but we are going to be eating it raw as tartare so you will need much smaller portions.  After a year of eating raw fish and raw meat tartare, I can’t imagine ever going back to cooking it. Fish or meat eaten raw must always be frozen first to kill any potential parasite eggs. If you don’t buy it already frozen, put it in your home freezer for at least 10 days then thaw it.

Equipement needed

Juicer: I recommend the Green Star triturating juicer which is what I have. A new one is very expensive. 500 GBP or 550 USD for the basic model. I bought mine second hand off ebay 3 years ago for 200 GBP. I discovered that the twin gears needed replacing so that cost me a further 90 GBP.  Once the twin gears were replaced it has worked faultlessly and I think it had already seen years of use before I bought it.

Centrifugal juicers can be bought for a tiny fraction of the price but the juice is not as good. Also, they struggle to juice leafy vegetables. The high speed used damages the all important enzymes.

The Champion, masticating juicer is an alternative to the Green Star and around the same price. It has been around for a long time and I note that you can get old second hand ones on ebay for peanuts. 40 to 80 GBP or USD and replacement parts are readily available.

“Slow juicers” There are now dozens of new makes of “slow” masticating juicers available. Around 120 USD in the states and 100 GBP in UK. I haven’t used one yet so I don’t know how good they are but I’m planning to buy a “pre-loved” Champion and one of the new masticating juicers to make a comparison video with my Green Star soon.

Norwalk – the Rolls Royce! The Rolls Royce of juicers is the 2 stage, cold press Norwalk at 2,500 USD or its new copy the Pure juicer at 2,000 USD. By all means if you can afford one go ahead and buy one of the cold press juicers, especially if you are doing the Gerson protocol, but for my survivethejab protocol I think a triturating or masticating juicer will do fine. I put the pulp through my Green Star 4 or 5 times to get the maximum yield.

Electric vegetable chopper/mini food processor . These start at around 20 USD or GBP. You can charge them and use them wirelessly. You will see me using mine in all my recipe videos. It’s great for making delicious tapenade.

Electric whisk. Around 20 GBP or USD. Together with a Pyrex measuring jar you can make fresh, home made mayonnaise very fast and easily. See me making it in the recipe videos.

Some kitchen knives and a knife sharpener. You will see me using my Chinese chef’s knife for scooping up chopped veggies in my recipe videos. It’s also very useful for chopping meat and fish to make tartare.

A chopping board. I use a glass one in my recipe videos. It’s very easy and hygienic to clean with some malt vinegar and paper towels. Vinegar kills bacteria. (Don’t eat any malt vinegar though because it contains grain proteins which we avoid on the Seignalet diet.)

A garlic crusher.

Vitamix Not essential for the protocol but recommended. A vitamix or similar high speed blender and a Magimix or similar food processor. The food processor is essential for making sauerkraut. Shop bought sauerkaut is expensive unless you can find a Polish grocer and it has usually had the probiotics pasteurised out. (Shop bought, pasteurised sauerkraut still has a useful prebiotic effect though). See my recipe where I use the food processor for making fermented, sprouted chick peas with garlic. I used the vitamix to make fermented coco nut cheese. See recipe number where I make coco nut cheese hummus and recipe numbers 4. (2 parts) … where I use the magimix the the vitamix to make “hummus but not as we know it Jim”.


dl phenylalanine (for pain relief)

Lugol’s iodine

Magnesium chloride hexahydrate

Vitamin d capsules 10,000 I.u’s (250 mcg).

Phospatidyl serine capsules

Tryptophan capsules

Grape seed extract (Pycnogenol, can also be made from pine bark)

Vitamin c powder

Lipsomal vitamin c

Co-enzyme Q10


Vitamin K2

Zinc with chromium

Vitamin b6

Pregnenolone if you are over 50

DHEA if you are over 50 and live in the US (not legal in the UK)

Fresh ginger root (organic if available)  and organic ginger powder “Sunthi Churna”

Good quality, raw (i.e unpasteurised), honey

Black seed (aka black cumin or nigella seed) oil

Flax seed oil

Carlson or Moeller brand Norwegian cod liver oil

Extra virgin olive oil

Over 50?

If you are over 50 and/or have difficulty sleeping, I recommend taking some melatonin before going to bed if you are in the US. It’s not legal to sell it in the UK. If you are in feudal UK take the melatonin precursors tryptophan and/or 5-htp instead. I can’t recommend dosage because no-one can agree on what the correct dosage is. Do some research yourself. Start by reading the Melatonin miracle.

Aminos in our juice formula

24 grams of aminos in total = to 4 tablespoonfuls.

1 kilo pouches of the amino powders cost around 10-15 USD each.  Keep each pouch in a sealed, plastic freezer bag in a cool dry place to maintain freshness.  The pouches should last about 3 years at least for one person.

Glutamine 3 grams (a teaspoonful)

“the preferred nutrition of enterocytes” (Cells lining the gut) . A non essential amino (means your body can synthesize it) which is rapidly depleted during stress and illness during which time it becomes an essential amino. So if you have been severely injured by the jab it will have definitely become an “essential amino” for you and supplementing with it will be an important part of your recovery.

It will help heal the gut and prevent undigested food particles and bacterial peptides crossing the gut wall into the blood stream and into your tissues. Cancer cells have an insatiable appetite for glutamine. Therefore we must be careful with dosage. Arginine is anti-cancer so we can combine it with glutamine to lessen the risk. Carrots, ginger, beetroot and garlic in the juice are all anti-cancer as well.

In a Scottish study on rat hearts rats were injected with glutamine then had the blood supply to their heart cut off (“ischemia”). After the blood supply was re-established (“reperfusion”) the rats were again injected with glutamine. It was found that the glutamine treatment protected the rat’s hearts from damage. Conclusion: “… Glutamine may be suitable as a cardioprotective and rescue agent…”

Arginine 2 grams (a level teaspoonful)

Together with glycine, also a preferred food of intestinal cells. An antagonist of lysine. Take a small dose of lysine in water later in the day. Prevents ammonemia which can occur with amino supplementation in general. As with glutamine, a non essential amino which can also be depleted in times of stress when it become an essential amino. Inhibits tumour growth, therefore it’s a good partner supplement of glutamine. “Arginine can stimulate T lymphocytes, a type of blood cell that is a crucial component of the immune system by increasing their numbers and response to mitogens, or unwanted harmful substances.” p. 153 The healing nutrients within. A precursor of nitric oxide (NO). Arginine produces NO in the endothelium, dilating blood vessels by signalling neighbouring muscle to relax. “Nitric oxide is thought to enhance circulation and performance in the arteries, immune system, liver, pancreas, uterus, penis, peripheral nerves, lungs and brain.”

Glycine 3 grams (a teaspoonful)

All of our food, unless it’s organic, is now contaminated with the Monsanto/Bayer proven carcinogenic weed killer glyphosate which is a glycine analogue. It’s estimated that the human body contains between 80,000 and 400,000 different proteins. Those proteins are chains of aminos and glycine will be part of them. To what degree are those proteins taking up glyphosate instead of glycine in their composition? We simply don’t know. Glycine is an important inhibitory neurotransmitter. Could misfolding in proteins of glyphosate instead of glycine have something to do with the pandemic of gender dysphoria? Could glycine supplementation correct the misfolding? Could it reverse the dysphoria? Just my theory.

Glycine is also one of the preferred foods of our enterocytes and so is one of the 3 gut healing amigos (together with glutamine and arginine)  thus indirectly helping to promote autophagy and improved immune response.

Glycine stimulates growth hormone production. Between 3 and 10 grams can act as a sedative. (Take some in water before going to bed if you have trouble sleeping). Glycine and arginine in combination help in wound healing.

In a Chinese study rats were pre-treated with glycine and were given induced heart attacks by cutting off blood supply to the coronary artery before re-establishing it (“myocardial ischemia-reperfusion injury”). Glycine lessened the injury to the heart by preventing death (“apoptosis”) of myocardiam cells. .

….Since its first description as a cytoprotective agent in 1987 (), glycine has been shown to protect against ischaemia–reperfusion injury (Chris’s comment: heart attack/stroke)  [including related injuries due to anoxia, hypoxia, ROS, chemically induced energy depletion, and mere resupply of oxygen (reoxygenation)] in a great variety of experimental models….

Glycine, a simple physiological compound protecting by yet puzzling mechanism(s) against ischaemia–reperfusion injury: current knowledge.   Petrat et al 2012

Taurine (3 grams – a  teaspoonful)

….Taurine is the most important and abundant free amino acid in the heart, surpassing the combined quantity of all other amino acids. It modulates the activity of important enzymes in heart muscle and contributes to the muscle’s contractility. Taurine also plays a role in the metabolism of the calcium in the heart and may affect the entry of calcium into the heart muscle cells where it is essential in the generation and transmission of nerve impulses…

P. 132 “The healing nutrients within”

In a Chinese study,  auto immune myocarditis was induced in mice by injecting them with a toxin. Some of the mice had injections of taurine into their abdomen. The taurine treated mice had much better outcomes than the controls. In their conclusion the authors recommend taurine supplementation as a treatment for myocarditis.

The precursors for bile salts are cholesterol and taurine. Bile, stimulated by ingestion of fats, transforms pro vitamina beta carotene in carrots, beetroot and spinach into the animal form of vitamin a: retinol, which our body can use. The vitamin d receptors in our cells need adequate levels of vitamin a to function correctly. Taurine is a non essential amino, meaning our body can synthesize it. However, vegetarians and vegans have a much more limited choice of taurine containing foods. and in my opinion are likely to be deficient or very deficient.

L. Carnitine (2 grams – one teaspoonful)

….Carnitine is critical for the health of the heart. It is one of the most important compounds for the prevention and treatment of ailments that affect the heart and circulatory system..” (The Healing Nutrients Within p. 278) More than 2 grams a day may cause temporary diarrhea. If you have the condition Uremia, caused by a build of waste products in the blood trygliceride (fat) levels could increase. “..Hearts undergoing severe arrhythmia quickly deplete their stores of carnitine…..

The Healing Nutrients Within, p. 284

..L-carnitine supplementation has been associated with a significant reduction in all-cause mortality, ventricular arrhythmia, and angina in the setting of acute myocardial infarction..

Effective dosing of L-carnitine in the secondary prevention of cardiovascular disease: a systematic review and meta-analysis  Shang et al 2014

L. carnitine, like arginine, prevents ammonemia (a dangerous build up of ammonia in the blood which can be caused by excessive amino supplementation).

…L. carnitine protects human astrocytes from ammonia-induced acute cytotoxic effects and the increased intracellular levels of glutamine and Branched Chain Amino Acids….

L-carnitine  prevents ammonia-induced cytotoxicity and disturbances in intracellular amino acid levels in human astrocytes  Wang et al 2019

Tyrosine – 1 gram (1/3rd of a teaspoonful)

One of several “brain aminos” that I use personally to ward off neurodegeneration in my 71 year old brain.

May improve mood and alleviate depression – in some people sometimes dramatically!  (Healing Nutrients Within)

Choline – 1 gram (1/3rd of a teaspoonful)

Another amino that improves brain function and prevents neurodegeneration.

..Health outcomes associated with choline involve memory, heart disease, and inflammation, which also explain the consideration of choline as a plausible intervention in traumatic brain injury (TBI)….

Nutrition and Traumatic Brain Injury: Improving Acute and Subacute Health Outcomes in Military Personnel.  Chapter 9. Choline

Essential aminos 3 grams (a heaped teaspoonful)

P.302 of The Healing Nutrients Within recommends to take essential aminos with other aminos taken for health purposes to avoid imbalances. (You can buy a pouch of powder of “essential aminos”)

Glucosamine 4 grams (a heaped teaspoonful)

Not strictly an amino but an amino sugar. It was noticed that people who took glucosamine for their osteoarthritis had far fewer heart attacks than the general population. Leading to studies of glucosamine’s protective effect on the cardiovascular system. Should not be taken if you are taking the blood thinner warfarin. May reduce the effectiveness of chemotherapy. (Wikipedia) 

…..Current use of glucosamine was associated with a significant decreased risk of death from cancer … and with a large risk reduction for death from respiratory diseases …. Use of glucosamine with or without chondroitin was associated with reduced total mortality and with reductions of several broad causes of death. Although bias cannot be ruled out, these results suggest that glucosamine may provide some mortality benefit….

Use of glucosamine and chondroitin in relation to mortality  Bell et al 2012


Here is the day’s routine

1. Dissolve 2 tablespoonfuls (12 grams) of vitamin c powder in a pint of water.

Take a little sip every half our or hour. It’s important to be disciplined and get into a routine because your body will acclimatise to the vitamin c supplement. So don’t lapse. If you want to stop taking it taper off slowly because there can be a “rebound effect” if you don’t. As mentioned in my introduction to the protocol, you will need to have found your “bowel tolerance”. If you have been severely injured by the jab or have an existing condition your bowel tolerance may be higher or even much higher than 12 grams a day. Your bowel tolerance will fluctuate according to your state of health (particularly of your endothelium which is dammaged by the spike proteins from the jab) so it’s a useful indicator.

At the beginning of using the protocol and especially if you have been severely injured by the jab, take one sachet (1 gram) of liposomal vitamin c every hour up to 6 doses in addition to the vitamin c powder in water. Tip the contents of the sachet into a little water and drink straight down without stirring, like swallowing a raw egg yolk. As we have seen, aside from myriad other beneficial actions, vitamin c repairs the damage caused by the spike protein generated by the jab to the endothelium, the lining of the blood vessels.

Drink plenty of water throughout the day.  I take a swig of San Pelegrino with every sip of vit c powder in water.

2. Before making your juice with aminos Take your supplements:

a) Grape seed extract (recirculates vitamin c),

b) Phosphatidyl serine, use with caution. High levels of serine can cause psychotic reactions. Used for memory disorders, early senility, depression and brain fog and as part of a protocol to reverse Alzheimer’s.  (The healing nutrients within p.229). I use it to preserve my 71 year old brain.  Start with a low dose and take careful note of how it makes you feel. If you think it’s making you nutty, stop! Take it in the morning because if you take it before going to bed you won’t sleep well. (Ask me how I know).

c) Quercetin. A flavonoid found in fruits and vegetables. It’s a zinc “ionophore” (getz zinc into the cells)

..anti-carcinogenic, anti-inflammatory, antiviral, antioxidant, and psychostimulant activities, as well as the ability to inhibit lipid peroxidation, platelet aggregation and capillary permeability, and to stimulate mitochondrial biogenesis…

Quercetin, Inflammation and Immunity.    Li et al 2016

d) Co-Enzyme q.10

…There is evidence that supplementation positively affects mitochondrial deficiency syndrome and the symptoms of aging based mainly on improvements in bioenergetics. Cardiovascular disease and inflammation are alleviated by the antioxidant effect of CoQ10 (Chris’ emphasis)….   …CoQ is a central component in the mitochondrial electron transport chain (ETC) located in the inner mitochondrial membrane..

Coenzyme Q10 Supplementation in Aging and Disease. Hernández-Camacho et al 2018

e) Vitamin K2

..Vitamin K2 serves an important role in cardiovascular health through regulation of calcium homeostasis…   :… Supplementation of vitamin K2 has been strongly associated with improved cardiovascular outcomes through its modification of systemic calcification and arterial stiffness…

Vitamin K2—a neglected player in cardiovascular health: a narrative review  Hariri et al 2021

It’s important to take vitamin k2 when supplementing with vitamin d because vitamin d, at least theoretically, increases the amount of vitamin d taken from digestion and ending in the blood circulation. The vitamin k2 takes the calcium out of the circulation and puts it into the bones and teeth where it should be.

f)  Zinc with copper. In a study in a University hospital centre in Singapore, zinc plus vitamin c had more than double the effect of vitamin c alone in generating antibodies to the spike protein. Note that the relatively small dose of half a gram of c was given in both cases and 80 milligrams of zinc in the c plus zinc group. Note that half a gram of vitamin c (about a quarter of a teaspoonful) had the same effect as ivermectin.

..Among seropositive men without neutralising antibodies at study entry, conversion to neutralising antibody positivity was highest in the zinc + vitamin C group (46.7%) by day 42, compared with vitamin C (19.6%), hydroxychloroquine (30.8%), ivermectin (20%) and povidone‐iodine (9.8%)  Overall, seropositive men who were initially negative for neutralising antibodies were approximately four times more likely to develop neutralising antibody positivity by day 42 in the zinc + vitamin C group compared with other interventions….

Zinc and vitamin C intake increases spike and neutralising antibody production following SARS‐CoV‐2 infection.     Quek et al 2022

Zinc and copper are antagonists and high daily doses of zinc alone can inhibit copper absorption from food in the gut.

Copper deficiency symptoms:

….anemia, low body temperature, bone fractures and osteoporosis, low white blood cell count, irregular heartbeat, loss of pigment from the skin, and thyroid problems….

Mount Sinai group of hospitals, New York 

High doses of zinc, vitamin c or iron can lead to increased need for copper but copper is only needed in tiny amounts.

The solution therefore seems to be to take a combined zinc and copper supplement with about 50 mcg of zinc and 2 mcg of copper.

g) Vitamin b complex and vitamin b6 (pyridoxine). We are going to supplement with a lot of aminos.

Page 10 of The healing nutrients within:

…Of all the vitamins, pyridoxine (vitamin b6) is the most important for amino acid metabolism. Pyridoxine is the cofactor ( a substance important for the activity of the enzyme) for the important enzymes called transminases, which transfer amine groups from one amino acid to another. Pyridoxine helps build amino acids (amination) and remove amine groups (deamination). It also assists with the transport of amino acids from the intestines to the blood. A deficiency of pyridoxine in the body produces profound effects upon amino acid metabolism….   …Riboflavin (vitamin b2) niacin (vitamin b3) are the next most important vitamins require for amino acid metabolism. They contribute to the deamination of amino acids….

h) Pregnenolone. Only if you are over 50. Cholesterol is the basic building block of all hormones. (In my opinion that is one of the reasons why taking cholesterol lowering statins is lunacy. That is the also the view of many doctors). Pregnenolone is the next step in the cascade of hormones, each successive hormone being made from its predecesor precursor. As we age, hormone production diminishes. So pregnenolone is an anti-aging hormone.

…Pregnenolone and its metabolic derivatives have been shown to have beneficial effects in the brain, including enhancing memory and learning, reversing depressive disorders, and modulating cognitive functions. A decreased level of pregnenolone has been observed in neuroinflammatory diseases, which emphasizes its role in neuroprotection and neuroregeneration….

The neurosteroid pregnenolone promotes degradation of key proteins in the innate immune signaling to suppress inflammation Murugan et al 2019

How much should you take? None if you are under 50. Unless prescribed for a condition by a naturopathic physician. What is the correct dose? No-one knows. Is there any danger to using it long term? Does it cause dependence? Does it suppress the body’s own production? There appear to be no studies which could provide an answer to these questions. I have personally been taking it uninterrupted for the past 20 years. (I’m 71) and I now take a relatively high dose.

Pregnenolone supplements are “bio-identical”. That means they have exactly the same chemical profile as the pregnenolone your own body produces.


Pregnenolone is the precursor for DHEA which is the next hormone in the cascade. As with pregnenolone it’s an anti-aging hormone replacement supplement and should not be taken if you are under 50 unless prescribed for a condition by a naturopathic physician. Unlike pregnenolone it can’t be legally sold in the UK. Here are some highlight from an abstract:

…In the elderly, DHEA exerts an immunomodulatory action, increasing the number of monocytes, T cells expressing T-cell receptor gamma/delta (TCRγδ) and natural killer (NK) cells. It improves physical and psychological well-being, muscle strength and bone density, and reduces body fat and age-related skin atrophy stimulating procollagen/sebum production. In adrenal insufficiency, DHEA restores DHEA/DHEAS and androstenedione levels, reduces total cholesterol, improves well-being, sexual satisfaction and insulin sensitivity, and prevents loss of bone mineral density….

…In systemic lupus erythematosus, DHEA is steroid-sparing. In an unblinded study, it induced remission in the majority of patients with inflammatory bowel disease. DHEA modulates cardiovascular signalling pathways and exerts an anti-inflammatory, vasorelaxant and anti-remodelling effect. (My emphasis) Its low levels correlate with increased cardiovascular disease and all-cause mortality. DHEA/DHEAS appear protective in asthma and allergy. It attenuates T helper 2 allergic inflammation, and reduces eosinophilia and airway hyperreactivity. Low levels of DHEAS accompany adrenal suppression….

…In women, DHEA improves sexual satisfaction, fertility and age-related vaginal atrophy….

Dehydroepiandrosterone (DHEA): hypes and hopes  Rutkowski et al 2014

Not much not to like!

How much should you take? None if you are under 50. Unless prescribed for a condition by a naturopathic physician. What is the correct dose? No-one knows. Is there any danger to using it long term? Does it cause dependence? Does it suppress the body’s own production? There appear to be no studies which could provide an answer to these questions. I have personally been taking it uninterrupted for the past 20 years. (I’m 71) and I now take a relatively high dose.

j) Magnesium Chloride Hexahydrate

You should have already dissolved 2 tablespoonfuls in some water in a jar.  Each morning take a sip.  Calcium is used in the heart’s contraction.  Magnesium is used in the heart’s relaxation phase. Calcium is an antagonist of magnesium.  Due to our addiction to milk and dairy we are all magnesium deficient.  It may take up to a year of magnesium supplementation to redress the balance.

…It is proven that the administration of magnesium salts reduces the incidence of arrhythmias and improves survival in patients with myocardial infarction (aka heart attack) ….

Hypomagnesemia and cardiovascular system. Efstratiadis et al 2006

k). 4 drops of Lugol’s iodine (NOT tincture of iodine) in a little water.  Mainly for your thyroid (the body’s thermostbut many cells in the body have iodine receptors.

5.  Make the juice with aminos

See the embeded video: “Healthiest breakfast ever mark 2” at the bottom of the page.

If in the US,  find an organic store for your items to juice.  We do not want irradiated stufff.  Here are the ingredients:

Half a bulb of garlic crushed,  1 large beetroot, called beets in the US (or 2 small ones), 3 large carrots,  a big knob of fresh ginger (no need to remove the skin but trim any parts that show signs of going mouldy), 2 or 3 branches of broccoli,  50 grams of organic spinach (check the packet to see if it is “washed and prepared” – if not, soak in hydrogen peroxide, then rinse in water and dry in a salad spinner),  1 apple.

You might also want to add:

a) For the first month add 50 grams of watercress also or alternate with the spinach.  Watercress reverses damage to DNA and to immune cells and it’s been proven to reduce liver damage.  However it’s strongly anti-estrogenic so use only for one month.

b) Turnip, especially if you are experiencing neuropathy.  It’s anti-inflammatory and protects the liver and nerves among many other beneficial effects.

Put all the produce in hyrdogen peroxide for 5 minutes to kill any potential parasites.  Then rinse in water and dry.

Prepare your  pint glass with aminos.  Put an inch of water in the bottom of the glass and add the aminos.  See the list above with quantities.  Add 1 tablespoonful of honey and stir everything until the honey is dissolved.  Making the juice and aminos takes me about an hour.  Including 10 minutes to add all the different aminos and 10 minutes to clean the juicer.

Tip:  The green star juicer comes with a lid you can put on the juicer to seal it.  The pulp in the juicer will then stay fresh until you have time to clean it. If you want to make some more juice during the day,  carrot, apple and ginger for example for pain relief, you can run 3 large carrots through the juicer to clean it first.  But throw away the resultant carrot juice and pulp of course before making your juice.

“Eat your juice and drink your food”.   This means you should combine the juice well with saliva in your mouth and chew your food really well before swallowing it. You will need to poop around an hour after drinking your juice whether you have already pooped or not. This is due to the juice causing peristalsis, the muscular contractions which send your food on it’s way in your digestive tract.

Ideally you should then fast until lunch but if you are peckish, dates are a great snack. Put them in hydrogen peroxide for 5 minutes then rinse is water.  This page tells you how to use hydrogen peroxide safely.

Take your NAC in some water between meals. If you have high cysteine (“sulfur” foods do not agree with you) take some Altrient brand liposomal glutathione instead.

6.  Lunch

A new Seignalet legal recipe video is uploaded every day to the Healing Recipes page.. As well as being Seignalet legal I also try to follow food combining principles.   Try to eat lunch around mid-day.  Take your vitamin d capsules with a meal.

7. Dinner

Ideally dinner should be eaten no later than about 5 pm but don’t worry too much if this is not always practical and you need to eat later.

8.  Supplements before going to bed

Nattokinase to dissolve the blood clots.  Dosage and contraindications here. Grape seed extract to recirculate your vitamin c while you are sleeping.  If you are over 50, take some melatonin if you are in the US, Australia, New Zealand, South Africa or India.  If you are in feudal,  nanny state UK and over 50 take some of the melatonin precursors Tryptophan and/0r 5-htp.

If you are not over 50 I recommend taking a teaspoon full of Tryptophan (amino) powder in some water.  Deficiency of tryptophan is implicated in many neurological disorders. It fights depression. There are no adverse effects.  It will help you sleep well.  If you still have problems sleeping add a teaspoonful of glycine as well.

Shopping lists



Lugol’s iodine 15%

Magnesium chloride hexahydrate

Phospatidyl serine capsules

Tryptophan capsules

Grape seed extract (Pycnogenol, can also be made from pine bark)

Vitamin d

Note: We want to be taking 10,000 iu’s of vitamin d a day. If only 4,000 iu softgels are available take 3 x 4,000 iu’s one night and 2 x 4,000 iu’s the next night. Get yourself tested regularly to keep your serum vitamin d at around 100 ng/ml (250 nmol/L).Drink two and a half pints (2 litres)  of water a day and take vitamin k2. Supplement with magnesium. Eliminate milk and dairy from your diet. There is plenty of calcium in perfect balance with magnesium in green leafy vegetables. Get yourself tested regularly to make sure that your serum vitamin d levels stay around 100 ng/ml, 250 nmol/L.NHS kann mich am arsch lecken

Vitamin c powder – 1 kilo

Lipsomal vitamin c

Co-enzyme Q10 100 mg

Quercetin 500 mg

Vitamin K2

Zinc with copper tablets (50 mg zinc)

Vitamin b6

Pregnenolone. Only if you are over 50 or have it prescribed for a condition by a naturopathic physician.

DHEA if you are over 50 and live in the US, Australia or India (not legal in the UK)   In the UK get it prescribed by a Harley St. quack.

Organic ginger powder

Good quality, raw (i.e unpasteurised), honey

Black seed (aka black cumin or nigella seed) oil

Flax seed oil

Carlson or Moeller brand Norwegian cod liver oil

(Carlson labs)


Green star juicer

Vitamix power blender (optional but recommended)

Magimix food processor (optional but recommended)

Electric whisk

Pyrex, glass measuring jug

Rapow electric food chopper/processor

Chinese chef’s knife

Vacuum wine stoppers and pump

Garlic crusher

DL – phenylalanine 1500 mg capsules (NOT L-Alanine or d-alanine)


1 kilo pouch of arginine

1 kilo pouch of glutamine

1 kilo pouch of glycine
(Pure L- glycine)

1 kilo pouch of taurine

1 kilo pouch of tyrosine

1 kilo pouch of essential aminos kilo pouch of choline

(Essential Amino Acid Powder Blend (L-Leucine (33%), L-Isoleucine (6%), L-Lysine (15%), L-Valine (15%), L-Phenylalanine (12%), L-Threonine (10%), L-Histidine (5%), L-Methionine (3%), L-Tryptophan (1%))
1 kilo pouch of glucosamine

Lysine (powder) 100 gram

N-Acetyl L-Cysteine (NAC) powder 250g (Amazon’s choice 100gram for £12.60)

(100% N-Acetyl L-Cysteine (NAC) powder 250g for £17.49)

(Book) The Healing Nutrients Within – Author Braverman



Lugol’s iodine 15%

Get Lugol’s 15% from ebay

Magnesium chloride hexahydrate

Vitamin d soft gel capsules 4,000 I.u’s
(Amazon’s choise, 1000 I.u’s , Capsules). I want you to take 10,000 iu’s per day with a meal. If only 4,000 gels are available, take 2 one day and 3 the next. Or take two 4,000 and one 2,000 softgel. Drink two and a half pints (2 litres)  of water a day and take vitamin k2. Eliminate milk and dairy from your diet. There is plenty of calcium in perfect balance with magnesium in green leafy vegetables. Get yourself tested regularly to make sure that your serum vitamin d levels stay around 100 ng/ml, 250 nmol/L.

(Vitamin D3 2000iu 320 Ct. Soft Gels)

(5000 IU Vitamin D3 Soft Gels)

Phospatidyl serine capsules

Tryptophan capsules
(Tryptophan capsules 500mg)

Grape seed extract (Pycnogenol, can also be made from pine bark)

(Grape seed extract 500g powder)

Vitamin c powder – 1 kilo

(Pure Vitamin C, 1kg, Unflavoured)
(Amazon’s choice Pure Vitamin C, No flavour/colour/sweetener)

Liposomal (aka lipospheric) vitamin c – Nutrient or Live on brand
Altrient brand liposomal vitamin c

Co-enzyme Q10 100 mg

Quercetin 500 mg

Vitamin K2

Zinc with copper tablets (50 mg zinc)

Vitamin b6

Pregnenolone if you are over 50 30 mg

Pregnenolone 100mg

DHEA 15 mg

I recommend getting dosage advice from a naturopathic physician

Organic ginger powder

Good quality, raw (i.e unpasteurised), honey
(Amazon’s Choice, Organic, Raw, Wildflower Honey)

Rotate your honeys. They are all different and delicious and who knows what therapeutic benefit there is for each type.

(Best Seller, pure Blackseed oil, (liquid))

Black seed oil had a strong taste. Mix it with flax seed oil and cod liver oil to make it palatable and to get the perfect balance of oils. Use as a salad dressing with lemon juice or even better grate a large carrot and pour on your oil with some Thai fish sauce.

Flax seed oil

Carlson or Moeller brand Norwegian cod liver oil

Green star juicer. 200 watts
(200 watts Green star juicer )

Green Star juicer – basci model. The one I use. I recommend.

Vitamix power blender (optional but recommended – second hand ones can be found much cheaper on ebay. Vintage ones have stainless steel jugs.

Magimix food processor (optional but recommended)

Electric whisk

Pyrex, glass measuring jug

Rapow electric food chopper/processor

Chinese chef’s knife

Vacuum wine stoppers and pump

Garlic crusher

DL – phenylalanine 1500 mg capsules

DL – phenylalanine 500 mg capsules

1 kilo pouch of arginine

1 kilo pouch of glutamine

1 kilo pouch of glycine

1 kilop pouch of taurine

500g pouch of tyrosine

500g pouch of choline

500g pouch of essential aminos

1 kilo pouch of glucosamine

(Book) The Healing Nutrients Within – Author Braverman

Lysine (powder) 100 gram.

L-Lysine powder, 200g. Take half a teaspoon full in water in the afternoon to balance the arginine in the morning juice recipe. Arginine and lysine are antagonists.

N-Acetyl L-Cysteine (NAC) powder 250g


Lugol’s iodine 15%

 Magnesium chloride hexahydrate

 Vitamin d soft gel 2500I.U (take 4 per day to make 10,000 I.U daily.  Take with meals

Phospatidyl serine capsules

Tryptophan capsules

Grapeseed extract (Pycogenol. Can also be made from maritime pine bark)

1kg Vitamin C powder

Altrient “Live on” brand lipsomal vitamin c

Co-enzyme Q10 100 mg

Quercetin 500 mg

Vitamin K2

Zinc with copper tablets (50 mg zinc)

Vitamin b6

Pregnenolone if you are over 50 (Not found on amazon this is a Walmart offer:

DHEA if you are over 50). Not available without prescription in nanny state Canada.

Organic ginger powder

Good quality, raw (i.e unpasteurised), honey

Black seed (aka black cumin or nigella seed) oil

Flax seed oil –Organic Cold Pressed

Carlson  brand Norwegian cod liver oil

Green star juicer

Note: the Green Star juicer is an expensive item.  If you can’t afford it look for a second hand Champion juicer on ebay.  They are extremely cheap and will make juice that’s just as good as from the Green Star.

Vitamix power blender (optional but recommended)

Magimix food processor (optional but recommended) Great for making sauerkraut


Electric Whisk

Pyrex, glass measuring jug

Rapow electric food chopper/processor

Chinese chef’s knife

Vacuum wine stoppers and pump

Garlic crusher

DL – phenylalanine 1500 mg capsules (NOT L-Alanine or d-alanine)

1/2 kilo pouch of arginine

1 kilo pouch of glutamine

1 kilo pouch of glycine

1/2  kilo pouch of taurine

1 kilo pouch of tyrosine

 100 Grams CDP Choline  

1 kilo pouch of essential aminos (melon flavoured.  We could not find unflavoured)

1 kilo pouch of glucosamine. – rubbish offers on amazon look on ebay.

(Book) The Healing Nutrients Within – Author Braverman

454 g Lysine Powder

Altrient brand liposomal glutathione


Lugol’s Iodine

Magnesium chloride hexahydrate

Vitamin d soft gel capsules 4,000 I.u’s

Phospatidyl serine capsules

Tryptophan capsules

Grape seed extract (Pycnogenol, can also be made from pine bark)

Vitamin c powder – 1 kilo

Lipsomal (lypo-spheric) vitamin c

Co-enzyme Q10 100 mg

Quercetin 500 mg

Vitamin K2

Zinc with copper tablets (50 mg zinc)

Vitamin b6 (powder)

Vitamin B6 (tablet)

Pregnenolone if you are over 50 (Pregnenolone 10mg)

Pregnenolone 50mg

DHEA if you are over 50 and live in the US, Australia or India (not legal in the UK) 25 mg


Organic ginger powder

Good quality, raw (i.e unpasteurised), honey

Rotate your honeys. Each different sort will have different (unknown) therapeutic qualities. Each variety tastes different and delicious.

Black seed (aka black cumin or nigella seed) oil
Oil (liquid)

Flax seed oil, cold pressed.

Carlson brand (Norwegian) cod liver oil

Slow juicer. There are many other offers for this kind of machine.

Green star juicer. Get this one if you can afford it.

Vitamix power blender (optional but recommended). Watch my recipe videos to see how to use it.

Similar to vitamix but cheaper. There are many offers for this kind of machine.

Food processor (optional but recommended). Great for making sauerkraut. Watch my sauerkraut videos. Sauerkraut can be made in India. Use green cabbage. See my videos.

Electric whisk

Glass measuring jug. Great for making mayonnaise with the electric whisk.

Rapow electric food chopper/processor

Chinese chef’s knife

Vacuum wine stoppers and pump

Garlic crusher

Choline bitratrae powder

DL – phenylalanine 500mg. NOT L-Alanine or d-alanine”>DL – phenylalanine 1500 mg capsules

1/2 kilo arginine

250 gm pure unflavoured l-arginine

1 kilo pouch of glutamine
1kg pure unflavoured glutamine

1 kilo pouch of glycine

1 kilop pouch of taurine

1 kilo pouch of tyrosine

1/2 kilo of choline powder

1 kilo pouch of essential aminos

Glucosamine sulfate 100g Note: in the UK I can buy 1 kilo pouch of glucoamne. I couldn’t find a 1 kilo offer in India. But keep looking and let me know if you find one.

(Book) The Healing Nutrients Within – Author Braverman

Paper back


lypo-spheric (liposomao) glutathione

N-Acetyl L-Cysteine (NAC) powder



Lugol’s iodine

Note: Lugol’s should have the strength stated as percentage, 5%, 10%, 15% etc. I can’t find any offer on Australian amazon where the strength is stated. This makes me suspicious. More galslighting by phamra medicine?

Magnesium chloride hexahydrate

Vitamin d soft gel capsules 4,000 I.u’s

Vitamin D3 2000iu . Soft Gels

5000 IU Vitamin D3 Soft Gels

Phospatidyl serine capsules

Tryptophan capsules

Grape seed extract (Pycnogenol, can also be made from pine bark)

Grape seed extract 500g powder

Vitamin c powder – 1 kilo

(Amazon’s choice Pure Vitamin C, No flavour/colour/sweetener)

Lipsomal vitamin c – Altrient brand

Co-enzyme Q10 100 mg

Quercetin 500 mg

Vitamin K2
Zinc with copper tablets (50 mg zinc)

Vitamin b6

Pregnenolone if you are over 50. 30 mg

Pregnenolone 100mg

DHEA if you are over 50 and live in the US, Australia or India (not legal in the UK) 20 mg

DHEA, 15mg

Organic ginger powder

Good quality, raw (i.e unpasteurised), honey

Black seed (aka black cumin or nigella seed) oil

Flax seed oil

Carlson brand Norwegian cod liver oil

Green star juicer

Vitamix power blender (optional but recommended). There are other offers of similar power blenders. Compare the hp of the motor/price. Check ebay for much cheaper s/hand ones.

Magimix Food processor (optional but recommended). Ideal for making bulk supplies of sauerkraut.

Electric whisk

Pyrex, glass measuring jug

Rapow electric food chopper/processor

Chinese chef’s knife

Vacuum wine stoppers and pump

Garlic crusher

DL – phenylalanine 1000 mg capsules. (NOT L -Alanine or d-alanine)

DL – phenylalanine 500 mg capsules.   (NOT L -Alanine or d-alanine)

1 kilo pouch of arginine

1 kilo pouch of glutamine

1 kilo pouch of glycine

1 kilop pouch of taurine

500g pouch of tyrosine

5oog pouch of choline

500g pouch of essential aminos

1 kilo pouch of glucosamine

(Book) The Healing Nutrients Within – Author Braverman

Lysine (powder) 200 gram

Lysine powder, 150g,(for kids

N-Acetyl L-Cysteine (NAC) powder 250g

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