Images taken from vaxlonghaulers.com.
Mission statement and Manifesto
If you have already been red pilled about medicine and the jab, and are looking for a non-pharma route to recovery,
Jump to introduction to the protocol. If not, click on the “read more” button underneath.
This site calls a spade a spade. Studies show that everyone who has been jabbed has been turned into a covid spike protein factory.
Many have already suffered severe injuries. Covid is a depopulation scam.Our masters intend for you to die within the next two or three years.
As it goes against “the narrative” it’s very likely that this site will soon be on a “block list”. Copy and paste these instructions somewhere safe for if/when this happens:
Download the Brave browser. If survivethejab.com disappears, in Brave, go to “file” and select “New private window with Tor”