A new recipe EVERY DAY

Please excuse the out of sync upload. 13 and 14 will be uploaded tomorrow and the day after.

The recipes are Seignalet (pronounce it “Saynyalay”) diet legal. They are designed to heal your gut and be easily digested. Milk products, modern hybradized grain flours, cooking at high temperatures all produce molecules that our digestive system has not evolved to digest. We do not have digestive enzymes to digest these strange molecules. This leads to a putrefactive digestion instead of what should be a macerative digestion. The cells lining the gut wall become damaged and let these dangerous molecules into our blood circulation and from there into our cells and the spaces between cells. Result: any one of 91 chronic diseases and cronic low energy. These recipes will allow your gut to heal and the disease(s) will be reverse.

If you don’t buy the meat frozen, make sure you put it in your home freezer for at least 10 days before thawing to eliminate any potential parasites.

A new recipe uploaded EVERY DAY.

“…Fennel has anti-oxidant, anti-inflammatory, antibacterial, antifungal, antiviral, immunomodulatory effects,,,:” (Turkish study on fennel seed extract to reverse necrotisizing colities in rats).

We want to eat mainly raw on the Seignalet (pronounce it “Saynyalay”) diet. The exception would be egg because raw egg white cannot be digested. So Dr. Seignalet’s solution was to make very soft boiled eggs with the yolk still a bit runny. Boil for 5 minutes exactly. Egg is the best source of protein there is.

Fish is very palatable when “cooked” raw in lemon or lime juice. I made this recipe for myself yesterday and what looked like a fairly reasonable size of frozen cod fillet ends up with being not very much to it when thawed. So in future I will use 2 frozen cod fillets per portion. Not only is fish ceviche very palatable, to me it tastes much better than cooked fish and of course it’s much more natural and better for you. The proteins have not been denatured by cooking and there are even healthful enzymes and vitamins which are destroyed by cooking. Just make sure to buy it frozen or keep it in your home freezer for at least 10 days to kill any potential parasites. Frozen bought fish are usually FOB – frozen on board. Which means they are blast frozen at minus 60 degrees centigrade soon after being caught. You can’t get much fresher than that!

In this part we actually make the hummus in a vitamix from our stock of fermented chickpeas, cabbage and garlic which we made in part 1.  I add juice of a lemon and a splash of extra virgin olive oil.  (Is there any other kind?)

See all the information you need about how nutritious and delicious this recipe is in the “War and Peace” article I wrote in the preceding part 1.  I am making it a staple for myself to eat once a week.  I recommend that you do the same.

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